Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 12: A Picture of Something I Love:

Not including my family (that goes without saying) There are tons and tons of things that I love, here are just a few!

Small notes that make me feel loved. Arek made this for me at his work, and it’s been sitting in my bedroom ever since. I <3 It!

My TOMS. Ever since I got my first pair of TOMS I have been hooked! I think I have 4 pairs so far (?) and I plan on getting many, many more! TOMS are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. I wear them year round, even if my feet freeze. This picture is a pair of TOMS that I painted myself :)

Decorating cakes, cookies etc. One of my favourite shows is Cake Boss. I love how they use fondant and chocolate modeling to create people and cars and animals! If I could do this for a living I would love it. This is a cake that I decorated for the Black Belt candidates… It’s a Gi!

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