Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 14: A picture of someone you can’t imagine your life without

My Family. I have the best family in the whole wide world. You make think I am just saying that, or that you actually have the best family. But really you are wrong. Sorry.

Day 12: A Picture of Something I Love:

Not including my family (that goes without saying) There are tons and tons of things that I love, here are just a few!

Small notes that make me feel loved. Arek made this for me at his work, and it’s been sitting in my bedroom ever since. I <3 It!

My TOMS. Ever since I got my first pair of TOMS I have been hooked! I think I have 4 pairs so far (?) and I plan on getting many, many more! TOMS are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. I wear them year round, even if my feet freeze. This picture is a pair of TOMS that I painted myself :)

Decorating cakes, cookies etc. One of my favourite shows is Cake Boss. I love how they use fondant and chocolate modeling to create people and cars and animals! If I could do this for a living I would love it. This is a cake that I decorated for the Black Belt candidates… It’s a Gi!

Day 11: A picture of something I Hate:

There are very few things in this world that I can say I truly hate.

First: Winter. Minus 40, blizzards, being snowed in, plugging in my car, wearing 15 layers of clothing, having my car not start, driving an extra hour to get to work, stupid road conditions, stupid drivers on those stupid roads, freezing my butt off for 7 months of the year, scraping my windshield = All the things I HATE about winter. I’m moving somewhere warm. Like Maui. Honestly I’ll paint seashells for a living if it means I never have to scape frost off my windshield ever again. Life is short, I don’t want to spend half of it being pissed off at the weather.

Second: The Green Bay Packers. I despise this team, right down to the last spec of grass on their stupid field. The color of their jerseys reminds me of a baby who puked up broccoli filled vomit, and their fans are the most arrogant losers in the league. If you want to wear a block of cheese on your head, then fill your boots. You are just further proving my point that the Packers suck. Go Bears!

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with

This is my loving, adventurous, kind and funny boyfriend, Arek. I am not the kind of person who is always out making trouble, so Arek is more the person I have the most adventures with. If someone were to clone me with male genes and give me more skin pigment, my clone would be Arek. Our personalities are so similar that at times it can be down-right creepy. I think that being so alike is a huge reason why we go together so well. Arek always pushes me to do things outside of my comfort zone, because of this I am a stronger person. We have been on so many adventures together and I can’t wait to go on some more!

Day 9: A picture of the people who have gotten me through the most

My mom and dad are the two people in this world who no matter what will always, always be there for me. Life hasn’t always been easy, but my mom and dad are always there to help me out and guide me.

Day 8: A picture of something that makes me laugh

This is a picture from AYEC 2009 when the Youth Leaders went bowling. Our names are classy and sophisticated, just like us. May I mention that none of us got to pick our own names; it was decided by the group. Therefor “Penis Wrinkle” was not my choice. Thank you, Kaycee Lunde.

The names are:
Tits Magee (Kaycee)
Badass (Alex)
Scrotum Itch (James)
Jordass (Jordan)
Penis Wrinkle (Me)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Seven: A picture of my most treasured item(s)!

Once again I don’t know how anyone could treasure just one item. I had to narrow down my picks to three and believe me, it wasn’t easy. I consider every object I own to be treasured! Why would I have it if I didn’t like it?

Chip the Cat:
I have had Chip since Valentine’s Day 1998. He is my favourite cuddly and I still sleep with him every night. He comes on holiday with me and everything.

My Grandad’s Paint Brushes:
I treasure the brushes and paint box that was once my Grandad’s more than almost anything I own. They are the only things that really make me feel like he is close by. My Grandad was the one who really inspired me to do art. Since the time I could hold a pencil he was showing me different techniques and was always encouraging me to try different mediums. Having his brushes and paint inspires me to get creative.

My ABBA Greatest Hits Vinyl Album (and Record Player)
One of my favourite bands of all time is ABBA. All of their songs are catchy and so easy to sing along to! Their music has been reinvented in movies like Mama Mia and on Broadway and each time someone adds their own twist to the song it only makes the ABBA experience better. I have listened to this record more than any of the other ones in my collection. Listening to a record the way it was MEANT to be listened to gives a whole new perspective on each artists work. You have never heard music until you have heard it played on a record player! There is something about the way the songs fill the room with almost physical personification instead of “noise” is life changing. I think a lot of the experience of music is lost over the computer and music these days is so altered that it’s hard to tell if a band has talent or if it’s just technologically created. You can’t fake talent on Vinyl. Some people like their music crisp… I like mine with scratches and soul.