Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Five: A Picture of my favourite memory...

I don’t know how anyone can manage a picture of their favourite memory. Most of my favourite memories weren’t even captured on camera… those uncaptured awesome memories are stored in my head and my heart. Here are some pictures of memories that were actually captured on film! Lucky me! I’ll save my favourite family pictures for another time… :D

AYEC Camp!
Some of the greatest memories of my summers as a teen were at AYEC. The AYEC family is closer than any outsider could ever imagine!

Kelsey Day: The IKEA deathbed adventure!
One Kelsey = Crazy… Two Kelsey’s = near natural disaster craziness! Look at the video on Facebook if you would like a first-hand interview of the deathbed adventure.

Camping in Sandpoint!

Good friends, great company, fun times!

Gooseberry Camping:
Arek trying to chop wood… I have never laughed so hard in my life!

Troll Falls Camping with my adopted Pym family
So tiney, but awesome :)

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