Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Six: The person who I would love to trade places for a day with...

If I could trade places for a day with anyone it would be with my brother, Andrew. He’s got such an awesome personality, a great demeanour; he’s absolutely hilarious, and completely quirky. I haven’t met many other seven year-olds with his kind of flow. He is the bravest person I know and I idolize his strength greatly. I look up to my little brother and I don’t think many other 20 year-olds would admit that. Despite all the stuff Andrew has had to deal with, he still smiles every day, he doesn’t take life too seriously, he makes other happy and he brightens up every single room he walks in. I can’t imagine my life without Magoo, and I am thankful every single day that he is still around to make me laugh and bug me like a typical little brother. I would love to live his life for one day.

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